University of Toronto

Tech-Driven Education


Web design

Web development





The University of Toronto’s Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC) program bridges the gap between academic research and real-world application, preparing students for leadership roles in the tech industry. 

The Challenge

The University of Toronto MScAC program required a website that could effectively communicate the program’s value, highlight research and industry partnerships, and provide a seamless application process for prospective students. Their existing website was technically outdated, leaving a poor impression on prospective students and partners. As a leading technology program, they needed a website that truly demonstrated their cutting-edge focus from the onset.

The Approach

We developed a visually appealing and informative website that highlights program strengths, integrates application management tools, and enhances user engagement. We ensured the new site was technologically advanced, reflecting the program’s top-tier status. The result was a comprehensive digital platform that supports the program’s mission and attracts top-tier candidates.

Building a Tech-Forward Presence

Working hand-in-hand with the University of Toronto MScAC team, we focused on enhancing the website’s UX, visual design, and overall development. By deeply understanding their unique requirements, we created an advanced, engaging website that resonates with their audience and reflects their cutting-edge technology program.

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